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Canon Rebel T3 -- can no longer download photos


For years I've used my camera with no problems. A few months ago, I tried to update the software. Now I get odd screens with no option to download. That is, a lot of info shows up -- but NO icon to download. And the whole screen looks really, really different.  Once or twice I was eventually able to get the photos downloaded, but I don't remember how I did it -- it happened more by accident than intention.

How do I get photos reliably out of the camera?



What software?

What kind of computer?

If your computer has a card reader, that would be the most "reliable".

Hi, I'm using a PC laptop with Windows 10, 64 bit. No card reader.


@diane4art wrote:

. . . A few months ago, I tried to update the software. . .

How do I get photos reliably out of the camera?

Do you mean you updated your computer's software, or the camera's firmware? If you mean the camera firmware, what problems prompted you to to want to upgrade? And were you able to upgrade the firmware successfully?

If the camera is working fine otherwise the simplest solution is to use a card reader, as mentioned below. You're not using a micro SD card with an adapter by any chance, are you?

I always upgrade the computer when I'm prompted to. I also updated the Canon firmware -- I've forgotten now why. Apparently, I was concerned that something wasn't working quite right. No micro SD card. I'm thinking I should go in and see if I can find the firmware updates and delete them. 

You won't be able to remove firmware updates from your camera once applied.

Definitely a proponent of a card reader as that is the best long-term solution.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers
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