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Canon R6 C-Log3 Color Problem: Red Turns Pink in Raw Footage!


Hi everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek assistance with a concerning issue I have encountered while using the Canon EOS R6 camera. Specifically, I have noticed a problem with C-Log3 video footage where the color red appears as pink, even in the raw, unedited footage straight from the camera.

Normal Video:


Clog3 Video Issue:


I am reaching out to the Canon community to seek advice, insights, or potential solutions to address this issue. If you have encountered a similar problem or have any suggestions on how to resolve this color shift in C-Log3 footage, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

Note: Issue is seen only while shooting video in CLOG3 mode.




As i check you images , you are compare photo mode and video mode , it could be different in white balance , please make sure you are using exact same settings in both , you can check display view mode (warm , cold , standard) or white balance and also picture style for photo mode 


Thanks for the response, The difference is also exist in CLOG and CLOG3. I have also checked display view mode. 

please recheck the White balance , try both photography and Video on same Kelvin not Auto WB

Yes Checked both Video and Photo on same Kelvin. Issue is still there.

and I guess maybe flase color or view assist is activated , turned them off and use only histogram and Zebra instead ...

I wish it can help


   I  tried all the settings but no changes. By the way, I  have recently changed my R6 motherboard due to some problem in Canon's official service center. Now my camera is getting too much heat and hard focus(near eye)while recording video and the view finder and display showing different color images. cam is just 3 years old.

Hope you can find a way to solve this problem and if not you should send to canon again , I am using the same camera but fortunately whithout problem .

at the end just to know , is your video footage on computer is pinky or just in camera LCD ?

Even in computer the video footage is pinky.


Anyone please help on this...!

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