Canon EOS R7 - How to Choose H or H+ Shooting Speeds


On my EOS R7 when it is drive mode and shutter mode mechanical, I can't choose H or H+ shooting speeds. How can I solve this problem?


You can shoot in H and H+ in mechanical, EFCS and electronic shutter.... the only difference is you get different frame rates. With -
mechanical shutter: L=3fps, H=6.5fps, H+=15fps
With EFCS: L=3fps, H= 8fps, H+=15fps
With ES: L=3fps, H=15fps, H+=30fps

One feature that stops H and H+ being available is turning on the auto-horizon levelling feature. This is where the sensor is actually rotated to straighten the horizon, as distinct from the 2-axis elelctronic level shown in the EVF. It removes the ability to choose EFCS, allows mechical shutter but greys out H and H+. It allows H and H+ in electronic shutter mode. So it is the levelling feature causing the issue, but you are right in saying you get H/H+ in electronic shutter mode, even when the levelling feature is turned on.

Choosing Highlight Tone Priority (HTP) disables the option to shoot at ISO 100. Turning on HDR PQ in stills mode (or video) automatically turns on HTP, but you can turn it off and still use HDR PQ, as far as I know.

Adding to your llist - turning on Auto Level (sensor rotation to straighten horizons) also stops H/H+ being available in mechanical shutter mode, completely disables EFCS and does allow H/H+ in electronic shutter mode.
