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Canon EOS 5D v EOS Rebel T5i -the best choise for live broadcasting


Hello all,


We are looking between Canon EOS 5D and EOS Rebel T5i, we are holding sporting event, our goal stream live video over IP and coax. We chose HDMI to QAM modulator (DVB-C and IPTV) - our goal is to shorten a delay, we would like to know other's opinion is there any latency difference between Canon EOS 5D and EOS Rebel T5i If I run signal through direct HDMI output in 24Mbps mode? Or if you guys can kindly recommend me better camera for live-streaming, I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance!




Note that the T5i (I can't speak for the 5D) does not output a clean HDMI signal, it is just a mirror of the LCD, so you will get all the little icons.


Also, DSLR's are not good for long videos, they are not designed for it and tend to overheat and shut down.

Thank you for the feedback, could you reffer Canon camera for our project with hdmi input



Not really, this is not my thing. A Canon camera might not be what you want unless you hack it with MajicLantern.

@OttoJ wrote:

Thank you for the feedback, could you reffer Canon camera for our project with hdmi input



Yeah, don't buy a Canon DSLR to use as a video camera.  Look at a Canon professional camcorder.  Consumer camcorders don't really do what you want.


Also, there are web services out there that provide live streaming services.  My church looked into live streaming, but I convinced them to record services, and post them on YouTube, which is much cheaper.  No on complains about a few hours delay.  Morning service is available before sundown.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thank for for your advise, we have right know few options how to distribute signals

I will keep you posted 





If you are talking about the original 5D (5D classic, or the first version), then you should know that it does not have video capability. It's only for still images.

I don't know anything about the Rebel.

For video, you'd have to use the 5D Mark II or above (in the 5D line), or a video camera.


