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Canon 80D tweaking the audio


I record concert band concerts with the 80D with a Tascam recorder attached on a hotshoe. I want to ensure the Tascam records better audio than the 80D, but the 80D does have pretty good audio. Therefore, I am interested in tweaking the audio settings on the 80D to ensure the audio from the recorder is more of the “reference quality” and is far better than the 80D’s audio. If anyone has any setting or tweaking tips that would be appreciated. Thanks!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hey dsfinnegan,


Based on your question it sounds like you may be trying to lower the quality of the camera audio in order to separate it from the external audio, but I think you're asking how to get the best audio out of the EOS 80D, is that right?


In situations like this it would be a good idea to set the audio manually, although depending on where the sound is coming from the levels will change as the camera is moved around the room so you will also want to be monitoring the audio levels. You have a really great setup actually if you are able to either patch the tascam into the venue's sound board diretly or at least position the Tascam somewhere it can record good audio throughout the performance while you shoot separately and then sync the footage and audio after.


To make manual adjustments to your camera audio, check out page 312 and 313 of the manual below.

"Based on your question it sounds like you may be trying to lower the quality of the camera audio in order to separate it from the external audio"


That is EXACTLY what I am asking and trying to do. I want to separate it from the external audio so that the external audio is the superior and "reference" version than the camera audio (since the 80D has decent mics). I always stuck with auto-level with the attenuator on, but having the latter on seemed to help the audio a bit, which I do not want.

My go-to plan now is turning that off, leaving auto-level on, but applying the wind filter. I just want the recorder to have the realistic sound of the performance and not let the camera have that sort of sound too.
