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Canon 7D - The Quick Control Dial on my camera is not working.


The Quick Control Dial on my camera is not working, nor is the Access lamp lighting up.

The dial will advance/return, but I am unable to review images nor change the settings which require use of the Quick Control Dial.  Otherwise camera is functioning fine, no error codes or obvious physical 'dings'.

The Access Lamp no longer flickers when being used and I don't know if that has anything to do with the dial not functioning.




Check that the switchfor it is properly placed in the ON position by switching it on & off a few times. Also check the cameras ON / OFF switch in the same way. I've run into several problems over the years that were the result of the switch just being out of position a tiny bit.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

I think your camera will need service. No Access Lamp Illumination is a bad sign.  


Even with the Quick Control Dial locked you should be able to scroll forward and back to  review your images. You should also be able to set white balance, drive mode, etc. with thte wheel locked.



Mike Sowsun

I actually fixed this just popping the dial a little out and it is back to work. It gets stuck after using it so many times.