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Canon 60d keeps shutting itself off!!

I'm having a major issue with my Canon 60d and I'm hoping you can help me.
I'm shooting a documentary with many interviews. This **bleep** camera keeps shutting off. Not the 12 min shut off during video, it just keeps shutting off.
I read on blogs about the SD card not keeping up. I've used two cards: ScanDisk 32 mb class 10, and Transcend 32 mb class 10 and had the same issue. I'm shooting 1920x1080 24fps.
I'm thinking maybe the camera is getting hot? It will initially record fine for about 20 min's then shut off. Recoding again it shuts off after about 7 min. then 5 min, then 3 then continues at a lower and lower recording time until it shuts off around 30 seconds into recording.
I have found nothing online that will solve this problem.
I am interviewing many well know figures who have been around a long time and have great notoriety, and it's extremely embarrassing  to have this happening. Not to mention not getting the information I need for the movie because of camera issues.
Please help!!!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Much gratitude,

Well I've recieved the use of a Panasonic gh3 from a friend (who says he specifically avoided purchasing the Canon becuase of it's history of overheating), so for now my problem is solved.


I most likely will sell this camera 'as is' and hope the next owner has a better use for it and it's limitations than I.


Thank you for those who posted constructive advice. And I hope this thread will be a helpful too for anyone who is researching camera's before purchasing.


Happy 4th!

I keep an eye on the Panasonic boards. I have a feeling you'll be showing up there. And don't break the loaner...


Happy Fourth!

We shot the first half on the Panasonic and had absolutely no problem, so I think it's the better choice at this point.
