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Canon 5D Mll Strange event


I was shooting a panorama this morning and the sun was in front of me. I used live view and panned the area of interest and saw no problem with the sun. Set the camera to live view, Manual mode, and a 10 second delay. Shot the first and second picture, on the third picture the camera was lined up with the sun and the problem started. At the end of the 10 second delay, and the photo was taken, the preview showed an extreme over exposure in the center of the picture and the camera continued to take pictures.  I could not stop the picture triggering so I turned the camera off and when turned back on it seemed normal. I was using a Sigma 50mm 2.8 Macro lens. I put on my 24-105 and took several pictures at other angles away from the sun and the camera seems to be OK. 

I am just interested to see if others have had something like this happen? 
