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Can We Expect a "StillsCentric" Camera?


I am itching to ask this question about a "Stills Centric"  camera for photographers who predominantly shoot stills. Can we expect a  "stills-centric" camera  and "Video centric cameras" (Like EOS R5P for stills EOS R5V for Videos respectively) from Canon, instead of packing the "best of both worlds" in one body, because 8k is an overkill(for many 'stills shooters') and so on. Paying the additional $ for a feature that's not exploited can be channeled towards other needs like a lens or other accessories.

The following aspects are the ones which I believe make a stills-centric camera universal.
1. A 30mp sensor. 30 IMO is so good to have a very good resolution image . It is like a sweet spot in MP count. Birders or others who want to crop, can crop the image to a decent dimension. 30 MP is neither small nor too big. 20 and 24 are very good, but to have that additional 6mp will round it off and silence many pixel peepers. This sensor could either be a stacked or Stacked BSI or whatever suits the price tag that can be very well justified.
2. A strong alloy or metal to construct the body that can withstand a lot of abuse, perfectly weather sealed. If Titanium is heavier and may cause the user to complain, then Magnesium alloy should be the one. Plasticky feel is a let down.
3.Storage : I was insisting to fellow photographers and friends in my circle about a built in memory storage unit, like a hard disk on a computer 250gb or 500gb. A few years after that, Hasselblad has put a 1tb SSD into it's X2d. This way we don't have to worry about the choice of cards, their types and their wear and tear.. Of course having a SD or CF Express Card or one of each type's slot(s) as an additional storage option is always the best idea.
4. VDO capabilities must be restricted to 2k on a stills-centric body. For videos, a video centric camera has to be offered, something like a SONY A7Siii. And price each one accordingly, not like an R5.
5. Improved diopter adjustment. The wheel on 5dmk3 and 60d that I used, stuck and it became unusable. Later it was serviced. A knurl finished knob with click stops to decrease or increase the power should help a lot. That knob shall be easily placed at the side of eyepiece. The 'half wheel' set up is tactile, but not always effective.
6. Top LCD panel. It always helps for a quicker glance on the settings.
7. A dynamic Menu system for easier transition and adaptability from one system to another system. Camera manufacturers should consider about incorporating a Menu system that will help photographers to select the pattern or Menu style they are familiar with. For example, If A SONY user switches to Canon he/she may be bamboozled while navigating through the new menu system in the beginning. Adaptability takes some time. In this case, if Canon had given the option of changing the Menu style from Canon's style to SONY's style, it makes life easier. The Menu of each brand may be patented, however manufactures should unanimously decide to incorporate this comfortable user experience by agreeing among themselves in the first place. It takes another bit of technology to make cameras to take instructions from a changed menu style. But it is possible.
Battery performance, focusing, dynamic range, higher ISO performance etc. and all other features be the way they happen and evolve.
Thank you.




Two major reason for the transition to mirrorless is they are cheaper to manufacture AND they are highly suited to video.  You could view the camcorder as the evolutionary link to mirrorless.  Enhanced video capabilities are very popular and that is the format that many owners will shoot meaning a still photo oriented camera is a niche product so don't expect it.

I understand your point and I am primarily a still photographer which is why I plan to continue using my 1DX III bodies for the foreseeable future.  They are extremely rugged and reliable and are optimized for my type of usage even though they will do decent video but for video I prefer the form factor of a camcorder and use an XF-400 for those rare occasions.


EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

Hi Rodger,

Thanks for your reply. I hope you did not mistake my expectation of a "stills centric" camera  to be a "stills Only" camera.

"reason for the transition to mirrorless is they are cheaper to manufacture" - I am not aware of the exact cost advantage between  DSLR and Mirrorless in their production, but a mirrorless 'equivalent' to the 5d4 such as R5 or R6mk2 is not cheaper at all.
It is as much as or more than the DSLR counterparts. "AND they are highly suited to video. " Should Still photographers remain with DSLRs only ? Currently servicing the DSLR models (60d, 70d, 7dmk1, 5d3) has ceased. Are we all being warned that mirrorless systems are designed to cater Video requirements more than than Stills ?.   Other reasons are the reduced flange distance, reduction in weight and size, absence of mirror slapping sound, etc, which are debatable to an extent.
"camcorder as the evolutionary link to mirrorless." - Yes.. not just the camcorders, several point and shoot ones too... some models I remember (During the early 2000s) from Pentax and other brands had face detection.
Yes mirrorless happened many years ago.

"Enhanced video capabilities are very popular and that is the format that many owners will shoot..... " - Did you mean that owners are willing to shoot only the VDO format just because the enhanced video capabilities
are very popular ? Does it imply photographers don't want to shoot stills but they shift to VDO making because of the enhanced VDO capabilities ? - If yes I beg to differ, as the reason is shooters like you, me and others who are like us.

If a Photo centric body is supposed to be looked upon as niche product, SONY wouldn't have come up with the S and R models specific for videos and stills respectively. (I'd like to reiterate that I am not insisting 'VDO capabilities be removed', but having it as an additional feature with certain limits like a 2k limit,
For anything beyond 2k,4k and 6k and 8k... a VDO centric model has to be in place.)
There is a clear differentiation in their product line up targeting the users with their respective needs. 




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