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CR3 Format

Rising Star

I have statrted this topic before and was helped out when it came to lightroom. Got the 90D and its RAW files are in CR3. Apple Photos will not display this format. I called Apple and they said the new OS Catalina 10.5 will take care of this issue. Well it has not, does anybody have same issue as me or am I doing something wrong?



What camera? That is what matters. The Mac does support some .cr3's like the R, for example.

Rising Star
It is a 90D as I said in second sentence.

AFAICT, Catalina added no new raw support, certainly none for Canon, not even the RP.

Rising Star
I know that, I was wondering if there was a work around, right now I download files into Lightroom then import that folder into Apple Photos, which I use as my library. When I do that images are not I order they were taken even though they are in order I Lightroom.

Photos orders things by the date taken. Have you compared the EXIF data on the images going into lightroom vs the ones coming out?

Rising Star
I know how photos works, for example I just took 200+ photos of an osprey fishing for around 2 hours this morning. Download them into Lightroom then import that folder into Apple Photos, in folder they are all in order but then when look at them in Photos they are all out of sequence and there is no order in which they were taken or appear in Lightroom folder

@chief wrote:
I know how photos works, for example I just took 200+ photos of an osprey fishing for around 2 hours this morning. Download them into Lightroom then import that folder into Apple Photos, in folder they are all in order but then when look at them in Photos they are all out of sequence and there is no order in which they were taken or appear in Lightroom folder

What version of Lightroom are you running?  If you are using an older version, you may run into issues with ACR not being able to read the latest file formats.  


The latest updates from Apple seem to have broken a number of simple things, which should not have been affected.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Rising Star

I am running newest version of lightroom and apple Catalina.

@chief wrote:

I am running newest version of lightroom and apple Catalina.

If you saying that you are running the latest version of LR, then why are you bothering with Photos?  Use PS.  Meanwhile, I suggest that you use Canon DPP to convert the CR3 files to TIFF, and load those into LR.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."