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Best low budget camera for beginner youth photographer


Helllo!! I am 100% new to the camera thing so I’m needing some help! My 12 year old son has taken up photography as a hobby and has done some wildlife / bird photos as well as bucking bull photos at  a local rodeo. He currently has the Rebel T5, but it was used model that I had gotten him and photos are starting to look less great the more he uses it so I’m thinking it’s time to replace it.  I am wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for what camera model to be looking at that would capture the photos he takes most of. He does also do some portraits and family photos, but his main focus and interest has been rodeo and wildlife. I honestly know nothing about what to even look for in a camera to purchase one so any help here would be great :)!



Hi Cas and welcome to the forum:
I think the first thing is to bring your son into the conversation, given your admitted ignorance in this area, and the fact that he is the person using the camera. What would be helpful is an actual budget value - low budget is not very specific.  We need an actual value to give you the best options.
Can I suggest you both read the following article which is a guide for those considering camera purchases:
The questions one need to consider when buying camera gear 

I will say that this seems more like a lens issue than a camera one, and I would be interested in his perspective in that.

cheers, TREVOR

"The Amount of Misery expands to fill the space available"
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris
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