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Beginner problems


What is causing these lines on 75% of my pics??? doesn'thappen in all?? Switched cards?? still get lines?/ ThanksIMG_0554.JPG


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Sent body back to Canon

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Hi Rumbley!

So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know exactly what equipment you're using. Any other details you'd like to give will also help the Community better understand your issue.

Thanks and have a great day!

I'm using a Canon EOS Rebel T3 on full auto with a PNY premium SD. I switched cards and STILL get lines in
some not ALL of my pics??  I get the verticle lines in my screen BEFORE taking picture sometimes??  Could the camera be faulty?IMG_0553.JPG

There are no user settings that would cause that.  The only thing outside of the camera that I could think of is the card, but you said you switched that.  I'd send it in to Canon.

Thanks. That's whayt i was afraid of. Just seems odd some photos don'tget affected??EGRET.JPG

Look like the image is corrupted. It is most likely the card problem or the card reader. Do you use card reader? I doubt it is a camera problem. Try to format the card in camera, then take a few photos, then transfer it to your computer using different card reader or using different cable if you can.

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Will do. Thanks   I DID trya different card and got a bad image But I hadnot formatted it.. I'll try that. Thanks Again

Sent body back to Canon
