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Autofocus / Face Tracking Rectangle Removal - 90D


Hello! I am using a 90D with a video capture card to stream. I am hoping to use the Servo AF feature, but to lose the displayed box around my face. I recognize that switching to manual focus will remove this box (which is my stopgap solution), and that switching to other forms of autofocus will replace them with a different box. The lens I am using is the kit lens from a Canon T3i.

I rechecked the manual having previously read it, but unfortunately, it seems it did not include the necessary information.

Here is a 30 second clip of the issue. Thanks for your help!



Replying to myself here for future users-- though this was selected in the attached clip, unselecting the option, reselecting it, and power cycling the camera seems to have worked! Thanks so much for your help regardless!

View solution in original post



According to the EOS Webcam Utility page, the 90D has clean HDMI output.  I suggest that you download the Instruction Manual to find the settings. 


Not all lenses are capable Movie Servo AF, especially older ones initially released prior to 2009.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks very much for your reply! I have taken this step-- you can see the clean output in the posted clip.

The autofocus does seem to be functional, however, the facial detection box remains.

Not applicable

Go to the menus an make your choice for HDMI output.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 192001.jpg

Thanks very much for your reply! I have taken this step-- you can see the clean output in the posted clip.

Replying to myself here for future users-- though this was selected in the attached clip, unselecting the option, reselecting it, and power cycling the camera seems to have worked! Thanks so much for your help regardless!

Hi Phil, I'm having the same issue, trying to use my Cannon 90D as my webcam. I've been able to remove everything except for the focus box around my face. 

I tried to understand the above thread but can't figure it out. Even when i change my camera setting to M - its still shows which I know you mentioned as a solution. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
