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Advice for using camera gear on the beach


So I’m going to an event this weekend called The race of gentleman. Should I expose my camera to the elements. I plan on only keeping my rf100-500 on my r6 mii and not changing the lens. Should I use a cheaper lens like my 24-105 f4 or don’t bring a camera at all. It’s supposed to be sunny and mid 70’s I’ve shot by the water plenty of times but never a prolonged amount of time like this. Maybe 3-4 hrs.


Rising Star

I'm guessing a bit on the following so take it for what it's worth.
The RF100-500 is an extending type right? I wont say dont use it ,because it will almost certainly have filters at it's sliding points.
However if you do hear any scratchy noises in future,go have it cleaned.It's likely a simple job to re-clean those filters


 "I plan on only keeping my rf100-500 on my r6 mii and not changing the lens."

Wise decision there. As one who has shot at tidepools and along the Pacific many a time, and have been splashed more than a few times, you should be fine, barring any unforeseen encounters with a rip current. Otherwise, shoot away and enjoy. 
