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AV mode but cant adjust exposure


Please forgive me as I am not an expert and trying to learn how to use a camera.  I have a Canon EOS 7D and I have been using it the last few nights in AV mode.  I would see if the picture was a bit dark then I would spin the dial on the back (to the right of the screen) and it would brighten my image.  Tonight when I tried to do that and spin the dial on the back while in AV mode it would not move the meter at all when I look through the camera.  Have I somehow locked that function?  I feel like such a rookie and really dont know who to ask.  Thanks for any assitance.  


Accepted Solutions


Thanks for all the suggestions and help!


Being so inexperienced with such an awesome piece of equiptment is overwhelming.  I realized what happened and am totally embarrased to even admit it LOL


Under the spin wheel there is a LOCK button, it was slighlty moved locking my ability to adjust


Thanks again for how quickly you guys stepped up to help me, thats really awesome and I am very appreciate of that!

View solution in original post



I've done this a few times on my 6D, and haven't fully figured out what I did wrong to put it in this mode.  But essentially I was accidently making it adjust some other setting (maybe by pressing the buttons on the dial?) and therefore turning the dial wouldn't do anythign to the EC.  Turning it off and on fixed it, but I think I was able to clear it just by half pressing the shutter button.


Sorry, it's only happened a few times as I don't normally shoot in Auto, so I haven't totally figured out what I did yet.


Thanks for offering your advice!


I should state that I did try turning it off and on and I also reset the camera to factory settings and I am still having the same problem. 

Ok, that's really odd.  Is there a setting on the 7D where you can select what the dials do?  I have one on the 6D, but I'd assume resetting to factory would fix that.

You say the picture gets brighter, but what aperture is it on, and what lens is it?

The lower f/ numbers do indeed make the photos brighter BUT the lens has a maximum aperture, which is as bright as it can get. You say it is night. Maybe you have just hit the maximum aperture.

Canon 5d mk 4, Canon 6D, EF 70-200mm L f/2.8 IS mk2; EF 16-35 f/2.8 L mk. III; Sigma 35mm f/1.4 "Art" EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro; EF 85mm f/1.8; EF 1.4x extender mk. 3; EF 24-105 f/4 L; EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS; 3x Phottix Mitros+ speedlites

Why do so many people say "FER-tographer"? Do they take "fertographs"?

I've used a 7D for 3 seasons & used EC constantly. EC isn't available in Auto or M but should work in Tv, Av & P and unless you've reassigned the function of the rear wheel you add or subtract EC by half pressing the shutter button & them quickly turning the rear wheel a click or 2 for a mild change & more for a major change. HOWEVER with my 20D, 30D, 40D in particular whenever EC couldn't be changed in the normal way it was the result of the ON / OFF switch being just a bit towards the OFF position & the white line it needed to point at. The camera was still on & would take a photo but many controls wouldn't work. A simple readjustment of that switch to the exact ON position corrected it. The front wheel will change the aperture & the rear wheel the EC BUT you may be able to switch that on some bodies but I don't think you can on the 7D.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


Thanks for all the suggestions and help!


Being so inexperienced with such an awesome piece of equiptment is overwhelming.  I realized what happened and am totally embarrased to even admit it LOL


Under the spin wheel there is a LOCK button, it was slighlty moved locking my ability to adjust


Thanks again for how quickly you guys stepped up to help me, thats really awesome and I am very appreciate of that!

I'm pretty sure most of us have missed an obvious mistake so don't feel bad about it. The important thing is that you're good to go & we now have 1 more problem solution to remember for the next person lookinfg for help.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."