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7D pop up flash not firing HELP!


My 7D pop up flash has just stopped firing. It is a 6 month old 7D, purchased new and up unitl yesterday it fired.  What is going on, is it burnt out? The flash itself does not pop up on it's own, it only poped up on its own the first few days, after that I had to pull it up manually but that never stopped it from firing before. 





Have you read your manual? Are you shooting in AUTO most of the time?


IF you put the camera into P, Tv, Av, M & press the button will the flash pop up? 


Do you know that you have a menu choice that allows turning the flash OFF even it it's up.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Thank you for the reply cicopo. I only shoot manual, the flash will not pop up in any mode, I have to manually pull it up every time. This is not so much the problem as it used to flash even though the mechanism controlling the opening of the flash is a bit off and does not allow for it to automatically 'pop'. It just stopped firing even though the menu option for the flash was set to 'enable' and the flash was up. Any other suggestions? Cheers!

Warranty repair is my next choice.


"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

The flash should pop up even if  "flash fire option" has been set to off. When you press the flash button, do you hear the motor sound of the flash popping? If there is a sound, maybe the flash got stuck. If there is no sound, try a new fully charged battery. For some reason, on the 7D, sometimes it gives this problem if you leave a camera off for a while. Otherwise, you can try to do hard reset your camera (take out the main battery and back-up battery also). It normally resolve most of the problem. Good luck.

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Before you send it in for repair, try one thing... inspect your camera hot shoe carefully you will see a tiny black switch that is designed to be depressed when you install an external flash.  This tells the camera you have an external flash and it disable your internal flash.  When the external flash is mounted, the thin metal plate above the switch is depressed pushing the switch down.  That thin metal plate doesn't go back up sometimes after you remove it.  Sometimes a piece of dust get in between the two.


Use a thin piece of paper and run through the area between the switch and the metal plate above i50t then try your internal flash again.  This happens to my 50D all the time.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

That worked! Thank you so much