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7D MkII Naming Files


I'm trying to name my 7D MkII files to 7D2_. But when I check the file name it displays D2_.


I'm using User Setting1 and on the File Name screen 7D2_ displays.


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?






IF the underscore is at the front of the file name your camera is set to Adobe RGB rather than normal RGB. Unless you specifically need & can edit Adobe RGB jpg's I's recommend switching it. My 7D2 file numbers are 7D2-1234 etc.


Check your Colorspace setting & reset & i'll bet you can then use 7D2 as the prefex.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

View solution in original post



Try using the - rather than the underscore. I'm not sure if the underscores placement is the issue but Canon does use it to indicate a camera has been set to the Adobe Colorspace by using it in filenames. .

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

After posting my question I thought about the underscore so I tried 7DM2 and I get _DM2 displayed.

Thanks for the reply,


@pjscott51 wrote:

I'm trying to name my 7D MkII files to 7D2_. But when I check the file name it displays D2_.


I'm using User Setting1 and on the File Name screen 7D2_ displays.


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?





My wife's 7D2 is set (also with User Setting 1) to use her three initials followed by an underscore (i.e., MJC_), and it works fine. This is just a wild guess, but I wonder if it's failing for you because the character sequence begins with a numeral.


Incidentally, the third character can be a numeral. I have my three cameras that support file naming set to use RC1_, RC2_, and RC3_, and they all work.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I tried PJS2 and the result was _JS2. I have a 7D with a file name of 7D1 and a 5D3 with a file name of _5D. It seems that the underscore is part of the file name whether you want it or not.

I guess contrary to the instructions the 7DII only excepts 3 characters in User Setting1.

Thanks for replying Bob,


IF the underscore is at the front of the file name your camera is set to Adobe RGB rather than normal RGB. Unless you specifically need & can edit Adobe RGB jpg's I's recommend switching it. My 7D2 file numbers are 7D2-1234 etc.


Check your Colorspace setting & reset & i'll bet you can then use 7D2 as the prefex.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Changing the Colorspace to RGB worked. I read through the instructions on how to rename the file and there wasn't anything about the Colorspace setting.


Thanks for the help cicpo,



From what I've seen the file numbering with / without the Underscore as an indicator of which colorspace was used is carried across the brands of cameras. Nikon cameras do the very same thing so if (&but I haven't verified this) all the makers use this numbering system then it's very easy for those who work on image editing to know what they are starting with.


Also note very few monitors can be set to properly work in the Adobe colorspace, which is why it's rarely used by photographers who edit their own jpg's on home based "workstations". RAW files can be processes as either Adobe RGB or sRGB and for that reason are a different conversation. IF your monitor can't be set to Adobe RGB & your colorspace was then resetting it will make for a big improvement to what you see on your monitor.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

"From what I've seen the file numbering with / without the Underscore as an indicator of which colorspace was used is carried across the brands of cameras. Nikon cameras do the very same thing so if (&but I haven't verified this) all the makers use this numbering system then it's very easy for those who work on image editing to know what they are starting with." 


I was referring to file name separator charactors.  The OP was trying to include a separator charactor, "7D2_".

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

That was just general info.


In his first post he said he tried 7D2_   but later said his file numbers for all his cameras started with the underscore & I knew right away what that indicated. Still not sure you can use the underscore in the file name in other positions but it can't be assigned to the first position for the reson I've mentioned.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."