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7D Mark ii


I have a 7D Mark ii on the way (with some sort of manual) and am wondering if there is a good "how to" source for learning how to print out 10 fps shots on my Windows PC laserjet printer.

Thanks in advance,



Thanks - these are the techniques I'm after. I'll  print this out and refer to it often.



leswurse more thing...(heh...heh...):smileytongue:


When you're shooting action you're probably in AI SERVO.  If you start shooting BEFORE the players actually start moving (like your focus point is on the QB and you start shooting to capture the center hiking the ball) AI SERVO is expecting movement and will actually rack the focus in & out after the first exposure until it senses movement.  It's not much, but just enough to soften the focus.  Once the moving, AI SERVO will lock on and track.  You'll be better off if you change a button (I use the "*" button) to switch to ONE SHOT when pressed.  That way, with the button pressed the focus won't change while there's no actual movement, then release it when movement starts and let AI SERVO take over.


Also, make sure you're on CASE 2, or have at least set tracking sensitivity to -1 so that as the player of interest is momentarily blocked by the referee or another player, focus won't shift to the interfering object.




"Photography is a money-sucking black hole, and I'm approaching the event horizon"

Thank you - yet another technique I need to print out and practice with. It's obvious you have developed some really effective approaches to live action photos.  I'll be back with stories of successes, failures and more questions.


