7D Mark II Exposure Level Indicator in Manual Mode


In Manual Mode on the 7D Mark II, with a hard ISO set, the exposure level indicator disappears from the bottom of the viewfinder.  If you switch ISO to Auto, the exposure level indicator appears at the bottom of the viewfinder as expected.


Is there a reason that there is no exposure level indicator visible (except the vertical one on the right side) in Manual Mode when an ISO is set manually?  This seems like it might be a glitch.







@Bubblemaker1973 wrote:

I must say that I am a little disapointed in the responses to my post!


It seems that you have all missed the point.


Issues or problems never get addresses unless people place a complaint about them.  


I was under the impression that this forum was to express concerns about canon products in the hopes of having them addressed by canon or other contributors.


This is a legitimate concern that will only be addressed if people complain in large enough numbers. 


The side indicator in the viewfinder I have grown accustomed to from shooting with  the 1D X,  but the omition of the indicator in manual mode on the top LCD screen is a huge shortcomming.



I think that my suggestions are well founded.


The sarcasm and mocking responses on the other hand are not.




Bubblemaker1973, I fully agree with your points. I just bought the 7D MKII as a  back-up to my 5D MKIII and find the M-mode Exposure Level Indicator in Manual Mode very unpractical. I like to use the LCD Pannel Exposure Indicator when I shoot with the tripod and I simply do not understand why Canon made this decision. Canon, please move it back and make it compatible with the 5D MKIII.

I sent a 'snail' mail to the North America president of Canon expressing my disappointment in the Mark II.  I got a reply from one of his lieutenants. He said he would pass the information on to Canon in Japan. This was several months ago but no other response.

Thanks for your effort, mpddberry. I am not surprised that you have not received any respose and frankly would be surprised if you ever do. My experience is that their corporate culture is very rigit and it is very hard to level things up through the layers of bureaucracy.



I just purchased a 7D Mark II and yes the meter is missing from the top LCD panel in the Manual Mode. I may return the camera. Why has this valuable tool been removed?  I just don't understand this. WHY??? I don't want to look on the back screen of my camera for the meter. I rapidly change my camera settings and seeing an empty space where the meter should be is extremely frustrating. I was told that maybe Canon can add an update - told it is an easy fix. I hope so. I don't think I can keep this camera otherwise. Please Canon...please correct this. 

Completely agree. May return my camera. It makes no sense. Why would they do this? Extremely frustrated. 

I won't be recommending this camera to anyone either. I actually am thinking of returning it. It makes no sense to remove the meter from the top LCD. I am so disappointed. I have a 7D and was very excited to upgrade to the 7D Mark II. Not anymore. 

Agree. Firmware upgrade is needed. PLEASE Canon. 

Returned my camera. Not dealing with the missing LCD meter and the disappearing green DOT meter. Twice, because of the sunlight, I couldn't see the dotted meter. If corrections are made, I may consider purchasing a professional camera from Canon. 

I wish I would have returned my Mark II.  I recently missed several good shots of the total eclipse because I could not get the exposure correct by not being able to see the settings.


I am at a critical point in camera choices.  I have several accessories for my Canons, i.e. self timers, remotes, etc.  but full frame lenes are limited in number.  I am considering a full frame camera and since I need new lenses to go with it, I will seriously consider a different brand.

@mpddberry wrote:

I wish I would have returned my Mark II.  I recently missed several good shots of the total eclipse because I could not get the exposure correct by not being able to see the settings.


Why weren't you using Liveview for eclipse shots?


The exposure meter is in the viewfinder, and since you posted about this earlier you knew it was on the right side of the viewfinder. Seems silly that you would blame your gear for your failure. 

