7D Mark II Exposure Level Indicator in Manual Mode


In Manual Mode on the 7D Mark II, with a hard ISO set, the exposure level indicator disappears from the bottom of the viewfinder.  If you switch ISO to Auto, the exposure level indicator appears at the bottom of the viewfinder as expected.


Is there a reason that there is no exposure level indicator visible (except the vertical one on the right side) in Manual Mode when an ISO is set manually?  This seems like it might be a glitch.







I agree with you that the change is horrible.  The indicator has completely disappeared on the top of the camera which makes no sense to me, either.  I truly hope a firmware upgrade will get the indicator back wherre they were on the original 7D.  This is almost a deal breaker, as I almost always shoot in Manual and use Spot Metering.  Bad Bad Choice, Canon!


One good thing is that it is still available on the Quick menu, but that does not make up for the loss!!Smiley Sad

So you've actually held a 7DMkII and made this determination? Or are you just repeating what others have said/written?

I have one in my hands right now!  There is no indicator on the top of the camera in Manual and only a tiny indicator on the right hand side of the view finder.  I called Canon to ask if this was a problem with my camera, but was told that it is one of the "quirks" of the camera.  I seriously hope they change it.

They actually told you it was a "quirk"?  That is some irresponsible customer service and very unlike Canon.  I'm surprised and dismayed to hear that.


Irresponsible? Wow! A quirk isn't a negative. Not even close.

"A quirk" is not an answer, and it is certainly not used to describe an intentional feature. "Quirk" is a mush term, like "undocumented feature," that is used to avoid saying "bug," "oversight," or "mistake." Proper customer service would have explained the reason for the "quirk," as in why the decision was made to remove the exposure level indicator from the viewfinder.

But, I'm not the one who talked to customer support about it so I won't say anymore. I just think a better explanation is deserved by the customer than to simply say it is a "quirk" of the camera.

I thought it was rather nice getting a straight answer! That way, I know that I have not missed a setting and can try to complain about it and hopefully cause a change!

I am getting used to the exposure level indicator being only in the vertical, side position when in manual mode. It is still inconvenient in that now when I switch between the 7DM2 and 5DM3, I have to hunt for the exposure meter because it is not the same between the two cameras (in manual mode with a manually set ISO).

So... the apparent solution is to "just get used to it." Not the desired solution, but a doable one.


I just got my 7DMKII and I am dismayed to find the exposure level meter moved / missing when shooting in Manual with the ISO set. I wear glasses and I can't really get my eye close enough to see the indicator on the right unless I really mash up against the camera. I am afraid of damaging my very expensive glasses!

Setting the ISO to "Auto" is not my preffered way of dealing with this. Where do I compain?

I think you should return the camera. Please post again when you have done it.