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70d or 6d


I have read tons of posts here and across the net.  I currently have an SL1 with an array of lenses both EF and EFS with a couple of L's.  I would like to add another camera to my bag and I'm considering one of the above.  Movies are not a priority.  I take travel, landscape and wildlife photography.  Which would be a better addition to my bag?  I'm also torn if waiting 6 months to save for a 5dM3 would be worth the effort.


Thanks for the help.


@cale_kat wrote:

Put differently... the refurbished 6D body is priced at $1,519.20 (if available which it currently isn't) and considering the advanced autofocus system on the 7D, one would have to choose carefully. If your interest were primarily outdoor athletics and/or wildlife shooting, the 7D is the easy choice considering availability and pricing.

You can get a brand new 6D for $1600.  Even cheaper than that if you're willing to go to grey market (not that I am).

Regardless - I haven't followed these potential AF issues with the 70D.  But if I did and could convince myself that there isn't a problem, I'd much rather spend a little more for a new 70D than a refurbished 7D.  It can do just about everything the 7D can do, and many things it can't.  My point simply that it isn't an easy choice, different people have different needs. 

@Skirball wrote:

@cale_kat wrote:

@Skirball wrote:

The new 7D, whenever it finally comes out, is most likely going to be in a whole new price category than the previous; much like they did with the 5d3.


Okay, but by "whenever it finally comes out" do you mean to suggest it is not imminent? Because there is every reason to believe that a successor is in the wings.

I guess that depends on your definition of imminent.  Will Canon finally officially announce that they will be releasing a 7D2 in a month and a half?  Yeah, probably.  If I was deciding between two cameras that have nothing to do with the 7D in the first place, would I wait for the announcement, to then wait for the release, to then pay the inflated introductory cost for a camera that I wasn't really looking at purchasing in the first place?  No.


Hey, what you would do is entirely up to you... I'm just offering the OP, who admittedly does NOT place a priority on movies, some perspective regarding a better choice for still photography. If you want to advise the OP to buy a 70D, that's your opinion.


"Pay the inflated introductory cost..." Guess we'll have to wait and see. If you know the cost, I'm all ears.



@cale_kat wrote:


Offen overlooked, but important to keep in mind are the following:


* Camera balance. The 7D weighs 810 grams and the SL1 weighs 407 grams, half as much. Typically longer lenses balance better on heavier bodies. Camera balance aids control and lessens fatigue.


* Parts, Options and Support. The 7D enjoys much wider support from the online community as well as much deeper support for accessories, etc. It has been an extremely popular camera especially among camera enthusiasts.


Camera weight?  That's completely subjective.  Some people like light cameras.  Your argument for balance on long lenses is just as applicable to an SL1 with a small fast prime.


I disagree. You are suggesting that where the heavy weight is doesn't matter. But it does. It matters more if the weight is in the front because it upsets balance.


Parts and support?  Please.  How many people are out there repairing their own cameras with parts they bought?  How much support do you need to operate a camera?  Accessories?  Are you referring to these 'photo enthusiasts" with their custom straps, eye pieces, LCD covers, bubble levels and the like.  Those guys always crack me up.


You don't get it... I won't try.


@cale_kat wrote:

 "Pay the inflated introductory cost..." Guess we'll have to wait and see. If you know the cost, I'm all ears.


You seem to miss the point (frequently).  The introductory cost is always higher than the price it settles into after several months, especially on camera bodies.  I don't care to pay this "fee", though obviously some don't mind it.  But I factor this into consideration for purchases.  If I was interested in a 7D2 then I would know I would have to wait a month and a half for Canon to potentially announce it, then probably a month or two more before it was actually released, and then another 3 - months before the price settled.  Suddenly I'm at upwards of a year out... hence I don't shop for equipment that doesn't even exist yet.


cale_kat wrote

I disagree. You are suggesting that where the heavy weight is doesn't matter. But it does. It matters more if the weight is in the front because it upsets balance.

I said nothing of the sort.  I implied that weight is a subjective "attribute", and balance is relative to the size/weight of the lens. 


@cale_kat wrote:

@Skirball wrote:

Parts and support?  Please.  How many people are out there repairing their own cameras with parts they bought?  How much support do you need to operate a camera?  Accessories?  Are you referring to these 'photo enthusiasts" with their custom straps, eye pieces, LCD covers, bubble levels and the like.  Those guys always crack me up.


 You don't get it... I won't try.

Lol.  I guess you're one of the accessorizing types.


@Skirball wrote:

@cale_kat wrote:

 "Pay the inflated introductory cost..." Guess we'll have to wait and see. If you know the cost, I'm all ears.


You seem to miss the point (frequently). Ha ha.  The introductory cost is always higher than the price it settles into after several months, especially on camera bodies.  I don't care to pay this "fee", though obviously some don't mind it.  But I factor this into consideration for purchases.  If I was interested in a 7D2 then I would know I would have to wait a month and a half for Canon to potentially announce it, then probably a month or two more before it was actually released, and then another 3 - months before the price settled.  Suddenly I'm at upwards of a year out... hence I don't shop for equipment that doesn't even exist yet. (We could just agree to disagree on the subject of timing for the release of the 7D.)


I know that the cost will "settle in". For someone shopping for a second body, I don't know what the hurry is. Especially as the OP is considering a top-notch camera, like the 70D or the 6D. I just seems to me that the more information he has (including about any products "just around the corner" introductory-wise) before he buys, the more satisfied he is likely to be.


The OP said he might not buy for 6 months, so I advise taking some time to see what's out in a couple month's time. At least then he will know what he could have bought.


I hear you when you say that the cost can and usually goes down. But I also read in the OP's post that he might consider a 5D3 in 6 month's time if the price comes down. I presume he means that the imminent introduction of the 5D4 will cause the price of the existing model to drop. This certainly is the case with the 7D2 causing the 7D to come down.


If the OP might send $3k on a 5D3, don't you think he might spend $2K on a 7D2? His budget seems pretty fluid to me and I don't have any idea what the new 7D will bring but the bets are favoring a new sensor which in itself would be exciting.

cale_kat wrote

I disagree. You are suggesting that where the heavy weight is doesn't matter. But it does. It matters more if the weight is in the front because it upsets balance.

I said nothing of the sort.  I implied that weight is a subjective "attribute", and balance is relative to the size/weight of the lens. 


Sorry, no offense was meant. My comment regarding the balance of a longer lens on a heavier body seems pretty innocuous. I wouldn't be the first to note that the size of the camera grip can make a significant difference in the overall ergonomics of the camera. Ergonomics, how something is handled, may be a subjective "attribute" but it is widely accepted as a consideration when evaluating a camera body. 


@cale_kat wrote:

@Skirball wrote:

Parts and support?  Please.  How many people are out there repairing their own cameras with parts they bought?  How much support do you need to operate a camera?  Accessories?  Are you referring to these 'photo enthusiasts" with their custom straps, eye pieces, LCD covers, bubble levels and the like.  Those guys always crack me up.


 You don't get it... I won't try.

Lol.  I guess you're one of the accessorizing types.


Huh? Now I get to say, "I never said anything of the sort?" 🙂


