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6d Liveview tacksharp, Eyeview fuzzy


I have Canon 6d with 3 different Canon lens'.  Regardless of the lens, shutter speed, F-stop, etc. my pictures are always significantly sharper in live view than when using the "eye view" mode. (I am using wireless remote control )
In my tests I am using a tripod and test target.  In addition I have run FoCal on my lens to see if the lens are improperly calibrated.

I have even switched to manual focus after focusing the target automatically under liveview and then switching to regular eye view mode and the results are always the same.  I have also tried mirror lock up under eye view mode and still not as clear as Live view



I sent my camera in to service to be looked at, but I am at a loss of what could be causing it..

I dont see how it could be focus related because I have focused the lens on the target using Liveview/AF and then switched to Eyefocus mode with MF..

The focal point should not change between Liveview and Eyeview right??


Not looking for a fix,( I already sent it in to be looked at). Just looking for an logical explanation as to how they could be different..




I don't know if this may have any effect other that on metering results but do you use the little rubber cover that comes with your camera to block light entry into the viewfinder. If your eye isn't against the viewfinder the cover is supposed to be there.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

I have tried with and without the viewfinder covered, the results are the same. Both ways are fuzzier than liveview. Thank you for the suggestion..


It sounds like your diopter adjustment was off on the viewfinder. Just spin it until things look sharp.

I thought that too but he says the "pictures" and the view are fuzzy.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


If you still have the same issue even using mirror lock up and focusing in liveview and switching to MF then the only possible explination is you've read too many articles that talk about liveview being sharper, so you see what you are expecting to see.


TED Talk - Michael Shermer: - Why people believe weird things


Live view will focus slowly, but more correct. If you already sent it for service, they will check it for you.

I have samples would be happy to show the difference is obvious

The camera tests were done mounted on a tripod. I have a cAlibration target.   I have even switched to manual focus mode(after allowing lens to focus in Live view).  I remotely engage shutter.   

I see no reason why the results should not be Identical..

@dsullens wrote:
I have samples would be happy to show the difference is obvious

Yes, please post some examples.
