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5D Mark IV video workflow?


I'd like to hear some tips concerning 5D Mark IV video workflow. To be precise, I'd like to find better ways of managing the video material, cropping/trimming it etc. Two questions, then:


1) So far, I've been going through the material I've shot using EOS Movie Utility, which is not exactly a versatile program. Is there another program, like, say, Faststone Image Viewer (that I use for stills) for browsing video folders more conveniently? One that would handle 5D Mark IV 4K mjepg files. I'd also appreciate being able to rename files, delete files and so on.


2) Is there a way of cropping/trimming the videos off-camera? As you know, the files are huge, and I have a lot of clips that contain only a small segment of useful material. The rest might as well be deleted. I'm looking for an easy way of doing this, preferably directly on the original files.


(I have Adobe Creative Suite, and I know I can import the file to Premiere, then export as a new file using some lossless codec, delete the old file etc. but it's a very time-consuming way of doing things.)


Thanks for your help!



I'm a bit confused why you're not using the Adobe suite. Bridge is a great option if you need more features that the OS file browser. And Premiere is so popular for a reason. 


Copy your files to your drive, set ins and outs, and export. If you want to keep the individual trimmed clips, use consolidate and transcode.  Then delete your source files if you don't want to keep them.

I'm a cinematographer in Chicago using mostly Canon gear. I also founded MKE Production Rental in Milwaukee.


@Apodemus wrote:


(I have Adobe Creative Suite, and I know I can import the file to Premiere, then export as a new file using some lossless codec, delete the old file etc. but it's a very time-consuming way of doing things.)


Yeah, it can be hard work.  Comes with the territory.  Maybe you need to rethink the front end, how you film your clips.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I'm a bit confused why you're not using the Adobe suite. Bridge is a great option if you need more features that the OS file browser. And Premiere is so popular for a reason.


Copy your files to your drive, set ins and outs, and export. If you want to keep the individual trimmed clips, use consolidate and transcode. Then delete your source files if you don't want to keep them.






Thanks for the reply.


Concerning Bridge, I haven't really looked into it that much, but maybe I should. It seems, however, that it cannot preview the 5D Mark IV files (it opens up VLC, my default player, which is unable to play them without serious glitches). So far the only program that plays them directly without a hitch is EOS Movie utility (and Premiere and other video editors, sure). So I'm looking for a program that would allow easy browsing and previewing.


As for using Premiere for trimming , it seems really ill-suited for a simple repetitive task like this. Here's the workflow I'm looking for:


1) Open file
2) Set in and out points
3) Click trim/crop
4) Save

5) Open next file and get back to 2)


I can't think of a way to do this in Premiere without at least twice the number of steps, plus the whole exporting and re-encoding. But perhaps I'm missing some simple way :).


Not editing the original files also adds work, since I'd have to figure out a way to be absolutely sure that I have made an edited version of each and every file before deleting the originals. Trimming the file directly would be a lot easier.

Yeah, it can be hard work.  Comes with the territory.  Maybe you need to rethink the front end, how you film your clips.



I can't see why it would just come with the territory. Unless there really is no way of editing these files more simply. Since you can trim the beginnings and ends of a clip already in-camera, I'd be surprised if this were somehow impossible to do on a computer as well.

Thinking about how I film is part of the reason why I'm here :). I tend not to let recording run for a long time, so that I'll be able to have short clips that are easy to delete unless they contain something worthwhile. This means missing action between takes, which is of course a stupid way to do things.
