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Where to find Geletine filter for 200-400 F4 lens


I bought a canon 200-400 f4 that comes with a geletine filter holder.   However Canon does not sell this filter, nor can I find one  elsewhere.   I bought an IRIX ND geletine filter set, but these do not fit the shape and size of the holder.    Someone shed me some light on where to find such filter?

casual than casual


You can purchase gelatin filter sheets from Amazon or B&H Photo and cut to the size shown in te lens user manual.

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

But Those are not high quality geletine filters  like the one made by IRIX.   I need ND Geletine filter, not color one.   But Thanks for the suggestion.   

casual than casual


Lee Filters makes the gels.   They have both a "photographic" line which are where you find the slide-in filters that they're well-known for....  but they also have a theater line ... to gel lights (photographers use these to color the studio lights).


Lee lists their filters based on "optical density" (OD).  In that system, each ".1" is 1/3rd of a photographic stop.  So a "0.3" filter is 1 full stop.  A "0.6" is 2 stops.  "0.9" is 3 stops, etc.


The filters you probably want to look at are:


  • Lee 298 - a ".15" filter (1/2 stop ND)
  • Lee 209 - a "0.3" fitler (1 stop ND)
  • Lee 210 - a "0.6" filter (2 stops)
  • Lee 211 - a "0.9" filter (3 stops)
  • Lee 299 - a "1.2" filter (4 stops)

These are sold in sheets.  You have to cut them out and fit them into your gel-holder.


Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Tks, will take a look at Lee's site later.  

Tks again


casual than casual