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No Good Crossover Lens So What Is a Good L Series Lens For Landscape?

Rising Star
Rising Star

Since it does not sound like there will be a good cross over lens for both Landscape and Astro what would be a good RF L series Landscape Lens for what I am shooting pictures off. I will be using my R5 Mark ii I will let you know I love shooting waterfalls and snow if that helps.335329026_662738545619786_445220108817035145_n.jpg239536111_10219612745891692_98957158667026073_n.jpg239632260_10219606550456810_4235821791636673612_n.jpg239755730_10219605742596614_7970003195348324904_n.jpg239779227_10219608760912070_1676421011258264322_n.jpg240665999_10219686205168128_2500966652617913880_n.jpg245350379_10219839969052129_2443026465453009060_n.jpg250917463_10219954657159260_8110162286352972475_n.jpg242085801_10219729449809217_5528674884246035042_n.jpg271151607_10220240014413013_1264789168142816566_n.jpg


Thank you very much. Still so much to learn. Not landscape but got my best pictures today so far with the new camera. Missed a Red Tail Hawk though, have been trying to get one for 3 years now, somehow my ISO got out of whack or I would have gotten a dandy. Oh well.


Hello,  I currently use an RF 24-105 f4 L lens on my R5 and R6.  I shoot primarily landscapes and travel  photos.  It is a very versatile lens and has good sharpness.   I would recommend it for landscapes.  It is a little limited for travel with the f4 max aperture but a faster travel lens may be the new non L 28-70 f 2.8.   For astrophotography I think the RF 16 mm 2.8 might be the most affordable option.  It would also supplement a zoom like the RF 24-104 f4 L.  I am actually looking into purchasing the RF 16 f2.8 myself.  Other Astro alternatives like a RF 10-20 f4 would work but that lens is in a different class and is expensive.  That's my recommendation. 

Rising Star

I mentioned in your previous posts that i'm no expert at either landscape or astro photography, but for what it's worth the best pictures i see (in both those categories) are almost all taken with wide or ultrawide lenses.

I do video, not photography (or very little), so I don't know.  But landscape is landscape... pretty much.  Video has some different considerations to stills, but I would not expect to be using different lenses.

If you want to see what I'm doing, you can check it out here:

And yeah, if you're not doing video, it's easy to overlook.  Personally I often forget that I could be taking great stills with the R5C... so I hear you!  But the R5 is superb for video, and I would guess the mk II is at least as good.  I actually reviewed the R5 from a video standopoint, if you're interested...


I forgot to mention it earlier, but I will second this point:


@shadowsports wrote:

You can go with the f4 variants if you want to save some cash.  

Yeah, I splashed a lot of cash on the f/2.8 lenses, but I don't think I've ever used them wider than f/8.  An f/4 lens would be great at f/8, nicely sharper than its widest aperture.

OTOH the f/2.8 lenses are also Canon's primo lenses in terms of overall quality, even if I don't use the max aperture.

Thank you very much. I do appreciate that.

Thank you very much, I am trying to take the time and look on flick and see which lenses seem to do things in a way which appeals to me, I had looked there for a Prime for my old camera which was a M50 mark i and had really wanted to get a 32mm but by the time I tried they had discontinued it. I had looked at a lot of pictures of the 22mm and though everybody suggested it I did not like the way the pictures looked from it but bought it as it was then my only choice, I hate the lens and wish I had not wasted my money on it. People think I am nuts but I still want to find a 32mm lens for it, when I go some places that are harder on my body it will go with me as it is much lighter and compact so I want to get a lens I will like for that. This is why I am really taking time to look the pictures over, I was right looking once and think it will help me again. Just my thoughts.


Thank you, I have a 11-22 for my M50 but I am not sure that is the kind of ultra-wide you mean, it is more like watching a Letterbox movie that the square shapes we Americans grew up on. (At Least in my age group)

Very nice videos, I like the music you choose. By the way, I realized I never answered you above, no, at this time there are none that I follow. I would like to find some using modern equipment and taking B&W as I really do enjoy B&W I have the others you suggest up and will check them out. In retrospect I should have been just a little to the left for the picture.

Haha good reference. But no,i wasnt referring to the shape of the images,simply the angle of view of the lens -both horizontally and vertically.
Yes your 11-22 is definitely ultra wide. Do you like using that lens?Have you got many favorite images using it? That may help you decide.
The 15-30mm lens mentioned by 'shadowsports' above will give almost the same angle of view on your R5 Mark II
