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No 3rd party RF Lenses...


This is a Deal Breaker for me. I am still using DSLR and it will still be a little while before I get a mirrorless camera because of budget. This news is going to make me look into getting Nikon or Sony, if when I go to a mirrorless camera, if I can't get 3rd party RF lenses for Canon. Since the beginning, I have been using Canon. From my first 35mm Film camera, then stepped up to DSLR with the Canon Rebel XTI. Few years later got the Canon 60D and then got the Canon 80D. When I got the 80D, I started to try to get better lenses. So I do have the Canon 24-70 L and got the Tamron 70-210 F4, I also have 2 Sigma lenses. I am on a limited budget. I finally stepped up to Full Frame with the Canon 6D Mark II. I will say that I am happy with all the photos that I have been able to get with my cameras over the years, but I am not a Fan Boy. For a matter of fact, I have recommended a friend to get a Nikon camera, because of what they were wanting to use it for and to stay with in their budget. I have used friends Nikon cameras in the past and was totally happy with those cameras. When people ask for a recommendation on a camera, I just tell them to stay with a Major brand so they have options in the future for expanding their equipment. In the future I will get a mirrorless camera and to start off with, I was going adapt my current lens to the Camera. But will be wanting to get mirrorless lenses when money allows. There is no way I can afford to get any L series Canon RF lenses, so this will be a deal breaker for me. This will make me sell off my Canon equipment, and go with Nikon or Sony, depending on which one has the options that I want at my price. A sad day for Canon.


@joshcruz wrote:

Your responses are typical cherry picking to defend Canon as if you do it for a living. Bottomline today, Canon is photography's big pharma by keeping the RF mount shut to non-Canon lens aside from less than a handful MF lenses. I can only punish Canon by diminishing the business I give it. How many times have famous brands so successfully made us drink from their Kool-aid fountain. Go slow guys, you're close to getting drunk.

It was you who picked to use Sony as an example of how it should be done.  My apologies for debunking your example.   You chose to use Sony as an example.  Sony’s track record is not a good one to use to support your argument or complaint, unfortunately.  

Canon will open up their RF-Mount to third party manufacturers 1-2 years faster than Sony did.  And this was done despite a global pandemic and economic shutdown that lasted for the better part of a year.  This is being done despite an ongoing supply chain shortages of microchips.

You are free to present alternative facts to support y0ur complaint, whatever that might be.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."