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Newbie Lens Question on old 5D Mark 1


Good morning-- 


My husband got me an old 5D Mark 1 camera in a barter trade. 🙂 


However, I am trying to find just a good starter lens for this camera for taking general photos to get some practice and comfort with the camera. Any good recommendations? Thank you so much! 


@ebiggs1 wrote:

Robert, I try to avoid anything posted by Wadrizzle, so should everybody, sometimes it is hard to do.


Actually, I think Waddizzle tries hard to give sound advice. And I often agree with him.


If you lived through the olden fime days when the 50mm was king, you quickly found out, although a nice lens, all of the were for the most part, they are difficult to use in everyday life and events. Not impossible just harder.


I did live through those days. (I have a few years on you, I'm afraid.) And I had three lenses on my Nikon SP and later on my Nikon F-2: 28, 50, and 135 mm. I found them to be a good combination, and the 50mm served me well as a walkaround lens.


Today we have zooms that are just as good and offer varible FL for the photographer in the single package. Possibly why all the beginner kits come with a zoom lens and not a 50mil prime.


Yeah, but that was then and this is now. Really good zooms at an affordable price were unavailable in olden times.


This young photographer needs that same advantage. The ef 50mm f1.8 prime is a fine lens, it is just not a starter lens.


It's a starter lens if it's what you can afford to start with. And she has a reliable full-frame camera (once a staple of a professional's kit) to use it with. She'll be better equipped than many who just got their first DSLR.


"... one of the ongoing duels of this forum..."  Takes two to duel, I don't, won't participate. :smileyhappy:


If the shoe fits, wear it.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Probably should stay out of this but I am old and crotchity.  I started with a Pentax spotmatic and a 50mm 1.4 lens and thought it couldn't get any better.  The 50mm is a great lens.  It would force you to pay careful attention to compision and figure out how to create the pictures you want.  The 28 - 105 is just a better tool but a bit more expensive and not as friendly to low light levels.  My thought is if you could afford it get the zoom, but still pay attention to your creative sids.

"And I often agree with him."


Robert you are free to agree or diagree with whomever you desire. But, so do I.


"... my Nikon F-2: 28, 50, and 135 mm."


Hmmm, sorta sounds like a zoom doesn't it?  Smiley Wink


Robert this isn't the olden days any longer. We don't have to be strapped with a 50mm prime because there wasn't much else. Today in the modern era, there are such great zooms. A zoom is what the OP needs and it is what she should buy. To argue otherwise is just silly. She will be far happier and better off.

This is not a post about the merits or lack of concerning the 50mm but what the OP really needs to add to her camera bag. You know that is the right choice.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

@ebiggs1 wrote:


This is not a post about the merits or lack of concerning the 50mm but what the OP really needs to add to her camera bag. You know that is the right choice.

Unfortunately, Ernie, you are the one who shifted the conversation in that direction.  I simply pointed out your hypocrisy.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@CaliforniaDream wrote:

Probably should stay out of this but I am old and crotchity.  I started with a Pentax spotmatic and a 50mm 1.4 lens and thought it couldn't get any better. 


The 50mm is a great lens.  It would force you to pay careful attention to [composition] and figure out how to create the pictures you want. 


The [24 - 105] is just a better tool but a bit more expensive and not as friendly to low light levels.  My thought is if you could afford it get the zoom, but still pay attention to your creative sids.

That is a very good observation.  A prime lens can force you to take the time to think about your shots, which makes you a better photographer.  You “zoom” with your feet.

I made the EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens recommendation without knowing what budget she was working with.  I would still recommend it because the EOS 5D does not have an ISO range that is as wide as its’ descendants.  The body lacks a built-in flash.  Indoor shooting could become problematic without a flash. 




Personally, I like the AOV and DOF of a fast 50mm lens on a full frame body.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."