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Need Help


Im taking a beginner photography class this semester and Ive run into a question I can't seem to find an answer for. I own a Canon 6d with a 24-105mm lens.

Question 1. What f stop will give you the largest depth of field?

2. What f stop will give you the smallest depth of field?

3. What is the fastest and the slowest shutter speed on my camera?


The lens they used in my book looks completely different than the 24-105mm that I own which is why i'm having trouble figuring this out. Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated. 



Your 24-105 lens has the aperture range of f/4 to f/22.  F/22 will give the "largest" depth of field (most in focus) and conversely f/4 gives you the most shallow DOF.


Regarding the shutter speed, not counting the Bulb mode (B) which means the shutter remains open for as long as you keep the shutter button depressed, I think the 6D goes from 1 second to 1/4000.  You can find out by setting to Tv mode and turn the dial.  


You should be familiar with your camera and don't be afraid to play with it.  Find the answer using the camera and lens and don't just get it from a's more fun that way :).  By the way you own a nice combo of camera and lens.  Have a lot of fun with them.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

thanks so much I couldnt figer it out. 
