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Can´t remove UV filter from lens


I am using a UV filter made by Zeikos on my Canon lens, but I cannot remove this (it has become stuck on the lens). I am worried about forcing it due to the risk to the lens. Can you recommend a product that can be used to help loosen the UV filter? I currently live in the Peruvian Amazon so mail order of a product is not possible, rather I need to know what can be used so I don´t put anything on the lens that could damage it. Many thanks!


Yeah, the lens doesn’t focus and when twisting the lens it doesn’t move.

@HDCamTeam wrote:

@Sami wrote:
My problem was a brand new lens and a brand new filter. Screwing and unscrewing it few times made it less tight.

But good tips with the rubber surface and filter wrenches. Maybe I should invest in some wrenches.

I personally experienced similar problems, fortunately never had the filter completely stuck.


But since then I do this: put the filter over the lens thread and rotate the filter a bit in the oposite direction until it completely [links removed per forum guidelines]

"fits" on the lens thread, then rotate the filter in the right direction, trying to never overtighten it.


As stated many times out there, the filter is the final step to "weather seal" a "L" lens, so it's extremely important indeed. And of course you protect the front element.


We use to carry two kind of protection UV filters: one multicoated (expensive) and another without coating (cheap). The reason is because the multicoated filters are usually hard to clean, but deliver better image with less internal reflections (especially noticeable at night scenes with light spots on the frame, etc). But when we shoot in a situation we already know the filter will get durty, then we use the cheap filter (easier to clean, but still protects the lens).


Hope you can get your filter removed!



if I go to a place where there is a risk of getting the lens dirty and/or scratched. Before I had it on all the time, except when there were bright light sources in the picture.


Try wrapping the lens with duct tape with towel and turn it forcefully, try to not extend the lens. Remove the lens from the body before trying it. It worked for me. I tried using a plier but it badly damages the uv filter making it impossible to remove it with bare hands. I tried alll possible method that I found online but it failed, instead ended up having a saw stabbing my index finger.There was a duct tape on my table so I tried using it before giving it to the repair store and it worked like a charm. 

Brilliant, it worked like a charm (with my Crocs, but same idea)

I previously posted, the best way and safest way i found to remove stuck filters from my lens without destroying anything is to use zip ties. Check out this video, very simple and safe


Good luck!

