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Best fisheye lens

I own the 70D and I already have two lenses. Which fisheye lenses would you recommend? I prefer lenses under 170$.
Thanks in advance!

@ebiggs1 wrote:

Actually B from B, I was beginning to think the same things.


But one thing, "There are a fair number of "photographers" who spend silly amounts of money on equipment they don't need and can't use...".  Can't you have it just because?  No harm, no foul.

If the shoe fits, wear it, Ernie!  Smiley Happy

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Okay, thanks for the answer. I actually want to learn everything there's to know about photography, so I'm not asking because I enjoy the notifications I get, but because I really am interested in photography.

Rising Star

Lol, you guys are killing me...
Waste not want not is not my modes operandi
Waste lots want nothing lol
I can always sell it on ebay because there are those that just want to try out neat gear even if it is foolish, and I may be foolish enough to win an award...


Nothing wrong with trying out gear, it is part of the adventure...
