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6D and EF 28-80 2.8/4 L lens


I am hoping someone can here can help me, I just got a 6D and was wanting to use some of my old lenses with it, one of them is the old EF 28-80 2.8/4L.  I took a test shot and the mirror on the 6D hits the back element of the lens which protrudes out about 3mm from the back.  I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to overcome this issue (apart from trying to use an extender tube which will not work)?   It is a great lens and I don’t want to buy a replacement if I don’t have to.







First time I've read about an EF lens not fitting properly on any of the modern DSLR's.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

Check to see if the plastic baffle around the rear lens opening is seated properly.  Other than that, I can not imagine any other reason for any part of your lens to hit the mirror.






Mike Sowsun

Thanks for the replys.  The rear element on my lens prodrudes past the plastic baffle,not quite as far is the lip for the electronic pins but only a couple of mm short.  Also when looking at it, the mirror on my old EOS-1 is set back at least 3mm farther in the body than on my new 6D.  This is an old lens so I will take closer look and see if something was not seated properly.





@Jugdriver wrote:

Thanks for the replys.  The rear element on my lens prodrudes past the plastic baffle,not quite as far is the lip for the electronic pins but only a couple of mm short.  Also when looking at it, the mirror on my old EOS-1 is set back at least 3mm farther in the body than on my new 6D.  This is an old lens so I will take closer look and see if something was not seated properly.





Hi JD.


I wonder if you could post a photo of the back of your lens.  I've looked for images of the old EF 28-80mm f/2.8-4L ... but the images I find show a lens where the rear elements do not protrude into the camera body.   


EF-S lenses normally do protrude back a bit... but not any EF lens that I've seen.  I'm wondering if you have a different lens than I've been able to find.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Sorry for the delay in posting, the holidays have been hectic.  As an update after reading your posts I decided to give the lens a good cleaning, especially the baffle and electronic pins and I took some more test shots, they all came out fine, so the problem I was experiencing (the first shot I took only have a sliver of an image) is no longer happening.


Here are some shots of the rear element of the lens,  I was focusing on trying to show the protrusion so the quality is not super, and of course the lens I was shooting is the one I would use to take such a shot..   









Looks like a normal EF mount to me.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."