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12mm extension tube with a 24mm T-S lens for macro photography


How do you use a 12mm tube with a 24mm T-S for macro?   Do you focus somewhere, and then tilt?  Is shifting used?



I do use shift to control the composition without moving my tripod (it's not a problem for people who use macro rail). I didn't  have camera with LV, I used to focus first, then tilt to the lens, took photo and checked the preview.

Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

Thank you.


George Lepp mentioned using 12mm with 24mm T-S, but didn't have the T-S lens to demonstrate.  I believe he mentioned having the large "lip" of a poppy in the foreground.


For landscapes I first focus around the hyperfocal point, tilt to get the bottom in focus, and then recheck focus at the top with Live View.  Shift is used to move the "horizon" up or down. 


I'm new to macro, and am not sure of the steps. 

Why are you using an extension tube for landscape pics, just to "zoom"?

Not for landscapes or other non-macro shots.  I was just explaining my T-S workflow with non-macro.  I am trying to understand the workflow steps for macro with an extension tube.

Got it, sorry, I misunderstood.  For manual focus lenses like a tilt shift the extension tube won’t have any effect on the procedure.  I’m no expert in T-S, but I was taught macro T-S the same way as you do your landscape.  I set the focus on the farthest point of my subject, then tilt to try to bring the fore-subject into focus.  Re-adjust the furthest point and repeat.  Very difficult without good strong continuous lights.  I usually give up and go to focus stacking  🙂
