why does my canon printer keep going offline



Hi Loretta!

To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know which model printer you own. That way, our Canon Forum members and our Subject Matter Experts will be able to assist you with suggestions appropriate for your model.


my pixma ip4300 won't turn on, message says it's offline
but I can't power on.

Hi yani,


I'd first suggest removing all cords from the printer, including the power and the USB cable connecting it to the computer.  Let it sit isolated this way for at least ten minutes.  Then, connect only the power cord back in and verify if it powers on again.  If not, try a different wall outlet if possible.  If the unit still does not power on, unfortunately service would be required.


Please drop us a line through our Contact Us link so we can determine your options!


I know this is an old post but I did solve this problem for me.


For almost three years I've been struggling to keep my Canon MG5520 on-line.   I think the problem was compatibility of the printer WiFi protocol with my Router.   My Router is a Motorola SBG6782-AC 802.11 b/g/n router.   I basically had to "dumb down" the router to talk reliably to the Canon printer.   Instead of operating the router in b/g/n mode I operate the 2.4GHz radio in b/g only mode.   In addition, I set the channel bandwidth to 20MHz (only choice when operating in b/g mode).   Since making these changes the router has stayed on-line reliably (about one month now).


My basic conclusion is the Canon wireless is incompatible with 802.11n mode operation for at least my router.




