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what is error 5100 for multifunction printeers and how do you fix it?


what is error 5100 for multifunction printeers and how do you fix it?


Hello. CanGreen,


If the issues persist, troubleshooting with our support group will be needed to narrow down the cause of your issue. Please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance.

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Hello Michael, Thank you for your kind reply. I have tried most all methods given in this section but still continue to have the problem with my Canon MX340 printer. I read that it could be a piece of paper stuck in the printer cartridge area and went to look in there but found none. I then unhooked the power cord and then hooked it back on and turned on the printer. It is alright until I give it a command to print. It is at that point that I hear what I perceive to be the cartridge units moving and there appears to be an obstruction right there at that point where all they do is CLICK several times and then the Alarm light comes on. I have tried pushing both the "OK' and "Stop" buttons but that will not get it out of that mode. I cleaned out the inside of the printer a little while back as there was quite a bit of ink there and during my cleaning a small, thin, transparent elongated plastic hose became disengaged. I have tried to place it back but don't know exactly where it goes other than that it was originally housed at the area to the right where the print cartridges go to rest before the unit is turned on. It belongs there somewhere but even before this little plastic hose fell out the printer did not work and was making the "Click, Click" sound. I really miss printing my work on the unit that is not that old, perhaps a year or so. I went to the "Contact Us" help area as you recommended but found that I cannot maneuver in that area or other areas of the Canon website. I don't know if it is not operational currently or what could be the problem. Any additional help would be greatly appreciated and I thank you for your time in helping me with this as I really need to get back to printing but purchasing another printer would be quite expensive. And another problem is that now with Windows 10 any new printer that I might get might not be compatible with that new OS. I am even wondering if my current MX340 printer is fully compatible with Windows 10 should I decide to get it? I currently have Windows 8.1.

Hi Michael, Since you have recommended my using the "Contact Us" feature which I cannot access for some reason in order to find more help, could you please tell the Product Expert or whomever works in the Support Group area that you are directing me to, to please come here to the Canon Community and see if they can try to solve my problem? That could take care of the situation for me under the circumstances. Thank you.


I have a Canon MX490 and it has error code 5100. There was a bad paperjam and I don't know how to get it out. Please help. My mom will be really mad. The pieces ripped when I tried to get them out. Please answer A.S.A.P. Thanks


Smiley Surprised

Smiley Sad

Hi, Brittany!

Thanks for posting on our forum! This community is designed for your fellow Canon owners to help each other out with any problems they may encounter. If this is a time-sensitive matter, contacting our US-based technical support team is the most efficient way to get these issues straightened out. They're standing by, ready to help 24/7 via Email at or by phone at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) weekdays between 10 AM and 10 PM ET (7 AM to 7 PM PT).

Thanks and have a great day!

This didn't help. What kinda support is this? You ge me a number that I could've found myself.

@CanGreen wrote:
Hi Michael, Since you have recommended my using the "Contact Us" feature which I cannot access for some reason in order to find more help, could you please tell the Product Expert or whomever works in the Support Group area that you are directing me to, to please come here to the Canon Community and see if they can try to solve my problem? That could take care of the situation for me under the circumstances. Thank you.

It has been well over a month and a half now since this request and I still have not heard back on it and I am still having the same problem with my Canon printer.


A few days ago I went to my local computer store where they also sell printers and the salesman showed me another Canon printer of the  MX series. However, it was only a display model and already it had the same CODE ERROR I have been having (5100!) That obviously makes me feel that this line of Canon printers may have a faulty part in it or a glitch causing those errors even though that was another model but basically of the same type. It should therefore, not have had Error 5100 if it has not even been purchased or used by anyone yet since it is brand new! That made me realize that the solution may well be that I should just go with another printer company and leave Canon altogether. After all, here they unfortunately don't even follow through with any concrete help other than to give you phone numbers anyone could obtain. That is not being helpful at all. Why have this forum if the moderators or Canon help people will not return to offer any actual help to solve one's problems? It's better to just do away with this forum altogether. I am very dissatisfied with the "help" here and my on-going problem that will not resolve.

Exactly my situation, Brittany! Where IS the help around here who can actually participate in diagnosing and solving one's printer problems right here in this forum? They should not be offering mere phone numbers. They should have a *technician* here to actually go through the steps to take care of our printer problems!


I have the same problem and I've tried to fix it but it still won't work. The model of my printer is MP280. I have so many pending documents to be printed and they're still on queue at the moment.

I have MG7120 and came up with error 5100. I checked everywhere and there is no paper jam. I restart it a number of times but the error message is stillthere. Can you hlep
