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pixma mx925 cartridge carriage locked on the right hand side


Hi All,

When I turn on my printer I have "Support code 6000" displayed. The cartridge carriage is locked on the right hand side which may have been caused by me powering down before unplugging the printer.

I have partially disassembled the printer looking for any paper jams but the paper handling mechanisms looks very clean.

Whilst I had the printer in a partially disassembled state I managed to remove the cartridges, remove the printer head, clean the printer head, re-install the printer head and re-install the cartridges. I was not able to manually move the cartridge carriage though. It is locked fast on the right hand side. I did try to manually turn the cog that I think causes the carriage to be locked and unlocked but it would not budge.

I have also tried resetting the printer by holding various combinations of buttons down. That clears the display but when I power down and power up I continue to get the "Support code 6000" displayed.

Has anyone here managed to clear this problem where the problem was found to be something other than a paper jam?

Although it's old, the printer is in decent condition so I really would prefer to fix it rather than adding to the plastic mountain by buying a replacement.

Thanks in anticipation.
