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pixma MP760 scanner problems


Pixma MP 760 printer.

All functions are working fine, prints, copies, and prints from the intrnet,. when i try to scan a document using MP Navigator 1.1

i get the following Message

cannot communicate with scanner. scanner may be turned off ( no switched on) , a cable may be disconnected ( all connected correctly).  Please check the status and try again (done get the same message)

scanner driver will be closed


How do i resolve this problem ,


Sorry for the delay 

I carried out all the instructions to the letter  the Drivers loaded up ok.

i scaned a document , I  got all the usual scanner noises  i got the usual messages  " Adusting lamp "  & Processing calibration data from Scanner"

After longer than usual period of time  got the usual message


Cannot scan for these reasons

The original may not be set correctly    ------ i checked  document set correctly

The protective sheet may be put in place--------not quite sure what this means but not likley as the printer has been scanning fine up until recently.

The lamp may not warmed up -------printer been on long enough to warm up lamp.

Scanner will close


      Code 2.178.0


I cleaned out my PC of all Canon Programs restarted PC and loaded  (MP760 series mp driver ver 6.2 , and MP Navigator EX Ver 1.17 which loaded the following programes


Canon ink jet printer driver add on module.

Canon MP Navigator 1.1

Canon MP 760 

Canon Scan gear starter.


All other printer functions are 100%   thye scanner has been working for years  but just started with these problems for out of no where

I don,t think i have left any thing out   to all who have repiled thank you very much    where to now 

Hi janssens17,


Thank you for your reply. To continue troubleshooting this issue, please try to scan with the following programs:


Windows Paint

Windows Fax and Scan


With successful scanning of either or both of the above programs, the scanner software may be blocked by your computer security or anti-virus software. To resolve the 2.178.0 support code ports will need to have an exception of ports applied to them by your security or anti-virus provider. Click HERE for a list of the ports that will need to be adjusted.


 Thank you but how do i find out what ports pixma mp760 needs to be open every avenue i go up comes to nothing. Bear in mind i have had this printer for some years and i just suddenly lost the ability to scan. there is a slight improvement it starts to scan then stops giving me the usual message (see post above)


Since my last mail i have deleted my pixma mp760 drivers restarted pc, i then deleted all my pc security web sites (risky) and restarted pc..

I then reloaded the drivers without any security apps working, all functions of printer working, i am very disapointed to say i still have the same scanner problems. Is it soft wear or hard wear ??  i don't know any more i realy don't

Hi janssens17,


I recommend contacting Microsoft at this time. They will be able to troubleshoot your computer to see if there is anything running on the computer that is causing the communication issue to the scanner driver.

Thank you will try that .
