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mx922 has error message and code C000.


MX 922 has error code C000. Have unpluged and rebooted. Any ideas?



Glad I found the comments about ink cartridges not seated properly. I had exhausted all avenues then found this thread. I had just installed a new cartridge, but everything was "FINE"... all lights for the cartridges lit saying all cartridges were fine, but they were not. The cartridge sled was stuck on the right. Could not pull it out. Read another thread about a little "door" on the front right top corner that you can open to access the cartridge sled.... WITH A FINGER! Had to push down on cartridge sled through the hidden corner door with the right hand, while pulling it from the other way with the left hand. Worked! All lights were lit, but rear end of cartridges (2) were not seated properly and tops were contacting the the inside of the pringer body not allowing the sled to move to the left. Whatever you do for the C0000 problem... play with the cartridges!
