looking for a Photo Printer

Hello everyone. I am looking for a small printer that I can take with me to my photo session that can print glossy photos Something that can do the 8x10s or smaller.

Rising Star

Hi Kolurl3lind,


A couple questions to help us determine the perfect printer for you:


  • Are you looking for something that is ultra compact or just lighter weight?  
  • Is quality a top priority or will you mostly be printing drafts and photo index sheets?  
  • Are you planning to connect this to a computer?  If so, what operating system are you using on the computer?
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I looking for a printer that is small and compact. I will use it mainly to print photos at events I take my camera to.

Rising Star

Hi again Kolourl3lind,


Since you are looking for a compact photo printer, I recommend either the PIXMA iP100 or (maybe) the SELPHY CP900.  With the iP100, you will get better support for connecting the printer to a computer.  The CP900 is more suited for printing directly from a memory card or camera.  Both will produce excellent quality photo prints, but you are limited in size on the CP900 to around 4x6 prints.


Of course, the PIXMA MG7120 is a good option as well.  This printer will allow you to print larger sizes and directly from a memory card.  However, it has some features you don't need (like scanning and copying) and it's definitely not as portable as the other two.


My best suggestion is to contact our Sales Department.  Our agents will be happy to discuss the best model for your needs.



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