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ip4000 driver for win 8


up to now i have been using the driver incl in windows (iP4300) successfully to print in winn7 64 bit environment.  wifey has win8 64 bit system, and only option is ip4700.  prints pdf's ok, but when printing from office it goes haywire., disjointed text.


i cannot find a latest driver.  can someone help with a driver i can use for win8 64 bit environment?


any help appreciated



I know this is really old and I wasn't sure if you ever got an answer.


Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Print Management.


Click on All Drivers in the left pane. In the right pane you will see a list of all print drivers. Find the IP4300 you had been using and scroll to the left to find the path of the driver.


All you should really need is the .inf file. Copy that to a flash drive and place it on the desktop of the win 8 machine. Manually add a printer, select have disk and try to load the .inf file you copied to the Win 8 machine.
