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Where is Sleep Mode on MX882?


My PIXMA MX882 has started falling asleep lately. The control panel goes dark all except for the WiFi button. When I try to print wirelessly, I get "printer not connected." The printer works fine after I turn it off and turn it back on. It sounds to me like the device is falling asleep after nonuse. I can't find a Sleep mode setting, though. Any ideas?



I have the same problem.

I've found some relief. I did a full, careful, reinstallation of all drivers, including the scanner drivers. I then deleted the printer, re-recognized it, and all has been well for a few months. Don't hesitate to contact Canon close support. They sent me a step-by-step, which includes more than I said above. If you follow those steps, you should be okay. Good luck to you.

Thanks for that.

This solved it for me: switch off printer. Reboot router. Switch printer back on and re-enter wireless credentials on printer to get back onto wireless network. The screen on the printer still goes dark when not used for a while (product support tell me that is how it should be and cannot be changed) but now when I print from a wireless connection as well as from a hard-wired one, the printer wakes up and does its thing correctly.
