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Replacement printer head for iP4950


Hello all.

My printer after many years of faithful service has developed a problem. Error copde 1403 identifies a faulty print head that needs to be replaced. Cannot find a supply source on the web specifically for this model. 

Does anyone know if this print head is interchangeable other Canon printer models?

Many thanks



I have same problem with MG7720.  All of a sudden I got the message about the printer head and I can't do anything -- not even use the maintenance to clean.  Trying to find a local service -- nothing on-line.  Only message saying basically to buy a new one.  But really, do you think I'd buy a new one after less then 3 years on this with bad printer head?  I'll go for another brand especially when they can't give you a local service outfit to try & fix it.  How many printers are in the garbage pile due to just a minor issue?  This is truly bad environmental issue on part of big companies -- throw it away and get a new one.
