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Printer / Scanner


I am trying to set up my MG 7180 to network with three computers - home.

All are Mac Computers - one iMac and two MacBook Pros

Location - China - I think the 7180 is unique to China, but it is a part of the 7100 series. I'm not going to have much luck looking at a Chinese forum - all in Chinese language ...

Problem: none of the computers react to the printer in the same way.


When I look in "Settings" On two computer both the scanner and the printer appear, on the other one (iMac) the scanner doesn't appear (or work).


On the Canon Quck Menu, none of them have all the same icons even though I set them up in the same way (well for size I didn't put the Creative Park on all of them.)

Computer one (MacBook Pro): has six scan icons but no print icons other than the Creative Park Premium icon.

Computer two (iMac): has six print icons but no scan icons. I can print, but this computer can't find the scanner.

Computer three (MacBook Pro): has six scan icons but no print cons, similar to Computer number one. This one doesn't have any device settings and Maintenance icons.


I just want the both the scanner and the printer to work on all the computers. Why is there such a mismatch and what can I do to fix it? I set them up the same. I went into the Network settings on all of them to make sure they are set up the same. I even went through the entire setup with the iMac two times to see if it could find the scanner the second time through. I was having WiFi connection problems while setting up this computer. I don't know if that could affect the way the program was originally set up?



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi RobinThailand,


What version of OSX is installed on each of your Macs?
