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Pixma MG7520 turns on but shuts off before I can access menu


My Canon MG7520 was working perfectly until yesterday. It kept shutting itself off yesterday. Today it would start the process of turning on, but turn off before it would get to the menu. I know it's getting older, but it's worked so well until now. Is there anything I can do?



Quick tip: If your router supports MAC filtering, blocking the printer's MAC address allows it to boot up without actually turning off the router. This is useful if (like me) you have folks sharing the router.

The problem is that the printer keeps turning itself OFF. But your printer needs to be turned ON in order to install the firmware update. Every time I attempt the install, the printer shuts off before installation hardly begins. Please advise.

Or - here's the link to sheri99's fix: EASY FIX if your printer won't turn on 


After so much whining and waiting, I finally got a real live agent on Canon. Charlie helped me out and installed the new software, uninstalled the old, fixed it all perfectly! I had to say agent agent agent into the phone and it was not easy getting thru but not quite an hour later he came on.

Can't imagine anyone doing it on their own! You who have done so are amazing!

I don't have the USB cable to connect the printer to my computer.  Is there a way around this?

See my solution.  You don't need a USB cable to fix this problem, just change your DNS as instructed here: Easy Fix if your printer won't turn on 

Sheri, thank you for your thoughtful reply. When I finally got in touch with Canon, he showed me how to swipe the other way and get to what you were recommending which I did not do. My mistake!!. But he had many many more things than which he did that accomplished the installation of the required software which I would never ever have been able to do on my own. It’s all good now!

So glad to see this.  I had called Canon support and they were no help.  Ran the download on Windows and magically my printer came back to life.  Thanks so much for this community!

Thanks for catching that!  We've overhauled our web site since posting that and the link no longer worked.  We've updated it to take you to the right location.  Feel free to try it again!

How did you fix this? Same problem with my G670. I cannot even install any driver because it shuts off rightaway.
