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Pixma MG7520 turns on but shuts off before I can access menu


My Canon MG7520 was working perfectly until yesterday. It kept shutting itself off yesterday. Today it would start the process of turning on, but turn off before it would get to the menu. I know it's getting older, but it's worked so well until now. Is there anything I can do?


They actually do:

"If your printer is either power cycling (repeatedly powering on and off on its own) or if it turns off shortly after powering on, please unplug your wireless router before beginning this process."


My MG7520 will not turn on.....with LAN disconnected just to make a Copy.  Lights come on for only about one second....can hear motor for a second...door opens....then turns off.

I have an MG7550 and this is currently happening to me to. I had to turn off Wifi on the printer and I can only print via ethernet but would like Canon to add this model to the firmware update list, if possible. Thank you

You don't need their firmware update. You just need to change your DNS to .001.  Find my "EASY FIX" post

After carefully reviewing all responses and fixes, and attempting to download the 'new' software as recommended, nothing works. Numerous attempts to download and install failed.

Another 'work-around' suggested is to use a usb cord after disconnecting router, etc. I got the cord, followed the disconnect and reconnect suggestions...expecting results. Nada.

No one answers the phone at Canon. Maybe on Monday? If I could access Lan settings and be sure that printer is no longer on 'wireless', I would do that. I cannot.

More ideas are  welcome!!

What do you mean when you say 'reset it'? I have done what you did, then connected usb to PC...still no response. Out of ideas!

How can I do the firmware upgrade without a computer and wifi?



Hi, I apologize for the late reply. I followed HLily's advise and it worked. Thank you!!

Hi, I apologize for the late reply. I followed your advise and it worked. Thank you!!

If your printer keeps turning off still, your wifi network is probably still on. Make sure that your WiFi router is unplugged completely and that any other WiFi hotspot in the house that it may connect to is OFF. 

Then try to turn on the printer. If it stays on as it should, you can then go to the LAN settings directly on the printer and turn LAN OFF if you want to connect via USB, or do Sheri99's DNS fix if you want to connect via network still. If you choose to connect via USB, keep in mind you will have to most likely have to re add the printer in Windows as a local USB printer since it was a network printer before. 
