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PIXMA TS7720: Scanning help: No option to Scan


It seems like this should be obvious, but some reason, I'm having trouble getting the scanner to actually scan on the Pixma TS 7720.   I can press Scan on the home screen of the printer and choose settings such as document or photo, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the machine to actually start scanning.   I don't see anything resembling an "ok," "start" or similar.  What am I missing?  I tried the user manual online, but it doesn't have a step by step breakdown, which is why I'm thinking it should be obvious....


Accepted Solutions


My problem has been solved via phone support with Canon.  Describing here in case others run into the same problem:   When I connected the TS7720 to a new computer, the plug and play feature could "see" the printer and thus send text to the printer.  However, I was missing the drivers for the scan utility.   I had to go to, choose my printer type, then operating system, and download the Master Setup file.   Once the file was downloaded, it was the normal procedure of clicking on the downloaded file, choosing "yes" to let the file make changes to the computer, and following the on-screen installation instructions from there.  After a prompted computer restart, the scan function was restored. 

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So that the Community can help you better, let us know which version of Windows or macOS you are using? How are you connecting? What is the exact error message? 
Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue. The forum is not intended for immediate support. If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE

I am using Windows 11, connected by USB to the desktop.   There is no error message.  I  just don't see anything that indicates "begin scan." 


Please click HERE for more information about scanning with your TS7720. 

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Sorry. This did not help.  First off, I don't have  "Canon Utilities" in my list of apps.  Secondly, I have recently plugged this printer/scanner into a new computer.  Printing works fine, but scanning does not.  Previously, on the old computer, I was able to scan from the touch screen on the printer itself. That is why I purchased this model. I don't want to have to go through a computer screen menu to scan.   Either way, I don't seem to have a way to tell the machine to begin. 


My problem has been solved via phone support with Canon.  Describing here in case others run into the same problem:   When I connected the TS7720 to a new computer, the plug and play feature could "see" the printer and thus send text to the printer.  However, I was missing the drivers for the scan utility.   I had to go to, choose my printer type, then operating system, and download the Master Setup file.   Once the file was downloaded, it was the normal procedure of clicking on the downloaded file, choosing "yes" to let the file make changes to the computer, and following the on-screen installation instructions from there.  After a prompted computer restart, the scan function was restored. 
