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PIXMA TS705 PGBK Ink Not Printing


In desperation we have joined your forum to see if you can help us out.  We have written to Canon on two occasions and received the generic 'we have received your email and will answer in 1-2 days' but on each occasion we have heard nothing further.  

This was our first email: PIXMA TS705 Serial number: AFLU[xxxxx] Purchased: 08/28/2020 We have the printer above, purchased from the Canon France site. It suddenly stopped printing with PGBK ink. On the test print, it's missing at the top of the color list (see attachment). The cartridge didn't say "empty" but I replaced it thinking that would fix the problem. However, that was not the case. I also did a "deep cleaning" and a "nozzle check" and it made no difference. Could you advise me on the possible solution to my problem. Just to add, I'm English and don't speak French well, so please can I ask you to answer in English. I would be very grateful. Thanks. Stuart POWELL 

We had a confirmation email giving us ticket number 01099157

And because we didn't get a response, 8 days later we sent this email:

Hello We are English and we live in France but do not speak the language well enough to converse or write, so we used Google to translate our situation and sent an email to support on June 7th with the number of ticket listed above. A standard response was sent indicating that a response would be received within 1-2 business days. To date we have not received the courtesy of a response - we are unimpressed with the customer support and need to move this matter forward. Our printer is still under warranty. We cannot use it. Please respond so that we can come to a satisfactory conclusion. Thanks. Stuart POWELL .

This had the confirmation reference ticket number 01115589.

Is there anyone on the forum that can give us any idea on what to do next please.

We love the printer - until this problem we used it on a regular basis and it always produced good results whether it was printing on paper or printing on discs.

Thank you - Stuart

[Numeric portion of serial number hidden for privacy.]
