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PIXMA TS6120: Printing pink instead of blue


My printer has always been temperamental and I've had to reinstall print drivers a few times.  I have changed the ink cartridges and the new one is printing pink.  Light blue is blank which is an issue as I have some headings in light blue that I am having to hand-write. 

I have cleaned the print heads twice. realigned them. 

wiped clean where the ink comes out of the cartridge with an alcohol cloth. 

Don't know what else to do?





Hi, Vicky3!

So that the Community can help you better, we need to know exactly which Canon printer model you're using. Your Canon printer's model number should be displayed prominently on the top and front of the unit.

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I don't see an answer to Vicky3's issue and I am having the same issue, so....

I have a Pixma TS6120 that is printing pink rather than blue.  Help, please.



Hi, Vicky3.

I'm having the same problem with blue printing as pink.  Did you get a solution to this?

@ndugan73 wrote:


I don't see an answer to Vicky3's issue and I am having the same issue, so....

I have a Pixma TS6120 that is printing pink rather than blue.  Help, please.


1. first print a nozzle check: Printing the Nozzle Check Pattern - TS6120

2. examine the test print: Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern - TS6120

3. Clean or Deep Clean the print head: Cleaning the Print Head - TS6120

4. if that doesn't resolve the problem the printer would need repair/replacement

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

I bought the cartridge from Amazon so I returned it and bought another one. Replacement works properly.


no amount of fiddling with it would release the ink



Thanks, Vicky.  I appreciate you responding very much.
