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PIXMA MP160 Borderless printing washes out image




I have a MP160 (Pixma Series) that works very well.

Today I've tried to make some bordeless printing and when I use this option — changing Paper Size from A4 to A4 (borderless), the colors of the images fades a lot, resulting on a very light printed image.


If I choose back the simple A4 (with borders), the images prints well again.


I found a way to resolve this, by changing Media Type from Plain Paper to Photo Paper Pro (Media Type under Quality & Media options) and changing Print Quality to High instead of Standard (this option is grayed out for Plain Paper when I set A4 bordeless). But this workaround makes the printer velocity goes down a lot, using more ink (I'm assuming that), even this printing a very little lighter imagem than the A4 Standard print quality.


Is there a way to solve that, printing borderless on standard quality?


I'm on Mac osX 10.8.5, printing from Preview app.





Shelleym: That is hugely closer in quality than what I'm seeing... almost wonder if adjusting color settings could fix that. Although just switching to borderless should ideally not change the color quality at all. Just the print size.


When I print borderless on PIXMA MP470 it comes out at about 50% brightness. VERY FADED.


Same issue with my Pixma G3000 series ink tank. A huge difference between A4 and A4 borderless prints, no change in the remaining settings.

Using my wife's MG4250 printer in the UK I experience exactly the same issue - plain A4 paper with borderless setting checked produces washed out colour, changing the setting to uncheck borderless with the same paper and image results in full colour.  Canon does need to recognise this and not just pretend it is not happening.

I have the same issue with my Canon Pixma TS8050 just purchased here in the UK. Dismal performance and such a disappointment. Also, the printer will NOT print to A4 borderless plain paper. It insists on leaving a border.


The little man screwed by the vast corporates yet again, and I'm not even a leftist.

bags, would you be so kind as to share which HP product you chose? So glad to know you’re getting good borderless prints. I am desperate for a solution. I have been using a Canon MG6120 for years to print greeting cards, some of them borderless. My last MG6120 just died and the machine is no longer made. I had planned to purchase a Pro 100, but this issue of not being able to print borderless has me stymied, The MG6120 did a beautiful job, but now I’m stuck. I have orders piling up and need to choose a replacement. I have an older HP Officejet Pro L7780 that someone gave me to use in my interim period. I don’t think the quality of it is good enough for my product. I need something better — maybe the same product you’ve chosen. Which one did you come up with? Are you still happy with it?  

Fascinating that Canon has refused to respond to this thread with an EXPLANATION! 
