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PIXMA MG8220 "Filter failed" message


I got the filter failed message, got everything sorted, deleted printer, deleted operating manual, and then went and added back the operating system, and it comes back and says not downloaded because Apple can't check for viruses. how do I get this installed, I need my printer



HEY!  Thank You, so much!  I was able to get the printer added and it works, I just need to get a new black ink, but other than that it works perfectly. I love it as it actually prints photos much better than the new one. thanks again.


I had a “filter” fail error on Canon Image Class MF3010 both trying to print online as well as when downloaded on to my Mac Sonoma 14.2.1 computer. The solution was to Control + click on the name of the file on my computer in Finder, Open With, Change to Mozilla Firefox. It would open and then print.   ..    ..    ..   Then I changed the default PDF viewer on Mac computers which is Preview. It wasn’t working on my Mac giving me the “filter” error. I Control clicked the name again, clicked Get Info, then scrolled down to Open With and the drop down menu has Default, click that and scroll down to Firefox and make that your default Open With.  Wishing everyone drama-free printing!
