PIXMA MG7720 creepy negative effect?


When I print my photos from the canon app on my phone they come out with this creepy color issue. i have replaced all of my ink and done a manual head adjustment and cleaning. i feel like i'm just wasting ink and time trying to fix this and should probably just buy a different printer. so frustrating! anyone know if there is a way to fix it? I have the MG 7720 printer. Ike Creepy eyes.jpg




So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know exactly what model printer you're using (it's usually on the top or front of the unit), any error messages you're seeing, and the mobile operating system you're using (Android or iOS). It's also helpful to know which version of Android or iOS you're using. 

Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue!

If you're in the United States, and this is an urgent support need, please click HERE to visit your My Canon Account to discover your personalized support options. 

If you're outside of the USA, please click HERE to find support options in your country.

Thanks and have a great day!

I have the Canon MG7220 printer 
